Monday, September 24, 2007

Still Alive

Yo, it's been quite some time since I wrote anything for this blog. To be honest with you, I sort of forgot I even had the site until some "kind soul" posted a comment a couple weeks ago stating, "I hope you're still alive, and hope you don't lose your mind down the road w/PTSD [Post Traumatic Stress Disorder] or wind up with cancer due to DU [Depleted Uranium] exposure."

Wow, what kind words some people have for their soldiers. Some Americans can be so ignorant and then waste their time wondering why the world hates us so much.

Anyhoo, I just wanted to let you all know that I am still alive, I do not suffer from PTSD, and I'm pretty sure I should be more concerned about getting cancer from the foods and drinks I consume in the United States than I should be about any depleted uranium exposure.

I feel great, my life is great, my family is even greater and school, well, ok, school kind of sucks. But I'm back at it and should have my Juris Doctor degree by December 2008. The bad part will be paying on all these student loans...

I'm thankful for my deployment experience. I'm proud of it too. I had the opportunity to see things and do things purely for the benefit of others. I helped liberate a country so little girls could go to school again and people could live their lives without the fear of being shot if they made eye-contact with the wrong person. I did that and it was rewarding beyond belief to be a part of it.

I guess what I have to say to the negative people out there is pretty damn simple, "I've helped to change the world. What did you do yesterday?"