Friday, January 27, 2006

Ready to Go

Well, I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth yet. We're still at our mobilization station preparing to leave for lovely Afghanistan.

I don't have a lot to say right now. The trianing has been hectic at times, slow at others. Some of it has been really good and we have learned a lot, other parts of it have been seemingly worthless and have left me feeling like the Army has done nothing but stolen that day from my life. For the most part though, things aren't so bad. I just hope that we never have to use the majority of the training we have received.

We have been busy since returning from Christmas. Our days are filled with training exercises and lanes evaluations. The hard part though has been adjusting to the Army life. For me, the really hard part is always being around people. I like people, but that's when I can get away from them if I want. That is not so easy here because people are everywhere and we tend to get sick of each other. Then things get ugly. People (me included)get snippy and crabby and bitchy and there is nowhere to go to get away from them. It is frustrating and it is only the beginning of a very long year.

We will get into country soon and I am hoping things will settle down more once we arrive and get settled in to our new home. I hope to write more from there and have better stories that are not so whiney like this one.

For now, I miss my husband, my family and my friends. I miss golf, movies, law school, my dog, and poker games. I suppose soon enough I will have a new routine that will become my life. Then I can look forward to returning to the old one and missing the things from the new one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laura, we miss you! Your last email said not to use your school email anymore. Which one should we use? I don't think I have another addess for you... You're not missing anything here except some ridiculously cold wheather. Winter has finally taken hold. Wish you were here!

Mon Feb 06, 08:41:00 AM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, you don't miss law school, come on meow! We DO miss you though! Keep posting pics, I want to see the desert and some sand storms! =)

Mon Feb 13, 04:51:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was Jeremy by the way =)

Mon Feb 13, 04:52:00 PM CST  

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