Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Nice. (*very sarcastic*)

Ok, brace's another wonderful "comment from anonymous." (Keep 'em coming people, gotta love open dialogue between two total strangers...)

It's VIETRAQISTAN. Let's see some more little girls (and boys, for that matter) going to school HERE! I wonder why the US never sent the military in to destroy Apartheid in South Africa. If you're gonna be the world policeman, you've got to go after ALL the criminals. But noooooooooo---- . Re 9/11? I doubt seriously if we the people will ever get the truth. TOO MANY THINGS IN THAT SCENARIO JUST DO NOT ADD UP FOR MY LIKING. 110 years ago, there was the USS Maine, the 9/11 of its day, which was used to get the US into another war of empire: the Spanish-American War. We STILL don't know the real reason for the Maine's demise and never will. I see no military victory in the region (hell, there are really no winners in a war anyhow, only a lot of dead, messed up minds and bodies), only a long, drawn out genocide. We could easily call out the nukes and nuke the whole Muslim world, but do you want to live in nuclear winter? This country is running out of $$, our own infrastructure is slowly crumbling, yet the right-wing neo-con-hijacked gov't, which in MY opinion is a CHRISTIAN TALIBAN, is MISUSING the military in wars of choice/empire. The MIC doesn't even want to properly outfit the troops! Hell, Afghanistan was Russia's Vietnam, so I see no "victory" (Vietnam, for the US, was a stupid unwinnable WASTE)-- also, guess who stupidly taught the Muslim crew in Af'stan how to fvck up a superpower. The best way to eradicate terrorism is to find out why we're hated around the world and do something about THAT. The whole thing is a bad situation that's going to suck us down the tubes. And I DO help others (as an aside).

Wed Apr 09, 07:54:00 PM CDT

Awesome...completely missed the point of my statement, but that doesn't surprise me at all. I guess I should've also clarified that I have never been deployed to South Africa, or anywhere in Africa for that matter, nor was I involved in the Spanish-American War, so I will not speak to those. I was, however, sitting in my uniform at the office one sunny day in September 2001 when some assholes decided to attack us and kill thousands of innocent people. I'm not sure if you remember that day, but I do, very vividly in fact.

But hey, thanks for the history lesson. Seriously, don't bitch to me about why we're in this war or how much the world hates us. I'm not sure if you know this, but I'm just a simple person, just a poor college student, not someone that's in any position to make decisions about international policy, nor do I want to make decisions about international policy.

Maybe if you hate us so much you could just go live somewhere else. Yeah, I know, not a very original retort, tough shit, it's all I've got right now. But let me guess you will continue to live here and bitch about how The Man is bringing us all down because you're too afraid to move anywhere else where you might not have the cushy American life you have today.

First, are you just trying to piss me off with your 9/11 ignorance? "Re 9/11? I doubt seriously if we the people will ever get the truth. TOO MANY THINGS IN THAT SCENARIO JUST DO NOT ADD UP FOR MY LIKING." I'm willing to bet that if the assassin that shot JFK came up to tomorrow and admitted doing it, gave you the gun, showed you pictures/video of him actually pulling the trigger and killing the President from the 6th story window of the book depository , you'd probably tell him he was lying because of course, as we all know, JFK was shot by the second gunman on the grassy knoll.

I guess I didn't realize (as you felt it so necessary to point out) that little boys and girls in the United States can't go to school because the U.S. Government forbids the education of children. Is that the analogy you're trying to make? Are you really trying to compare the oppression of women and children under the Taliban government to the state of education in the U.S.? Wow, what a stretch! Nice.

I also fail to see any logic or rationale in your referring to the U.S. Government as a "CHRISTIAN TALIBAN." That is a just plain scary analogy, really. Have you read about the Taliban? Do you know anything about them? Because I fail to see how two governments are even comparable, other than the fact that they are occupied by people. That's about the only similarity I can come up with on that matter. Maybe it's because I was out of the country for 12-15 months, or maybe because I either have my head shoved in a book in school, or better yet, maybe it's because I was out enjoying a beer and watching college hockey, but I completely missed the last time the U.S. Government stoned someone to death in the middle of a soccer stadium for violating Islamic Law (oh wait, I guess it would be for violating Christian Law, whatever that is). Geez, I guess I should pay more attention to this hellatious government we have...I can't believe I missed something like that, it didn't even make the news. Wait, I suppose that's because all the media outlets must be controlled by the CHRISTIAN TALIBAN.

Look, here's the deal...I'll be perfectly honest with you. There is nothing in the world that will ever happen, nothing that will ever come to light, nothing that will ever be found that will convince me otherwise, I will never change my mind and believe that my friends (yes, literal friends) and comrades who gave their lives in Afghanistan or Iraq or anywhere else for that matter, gave the ultimate sacrifice for nothing. Call me naive, ignorant, stupid, even Republican, call me whatever the hell you want - nothing will ever change my mind. You know why? Because I've been there, I've seen, I've heard it, I've smelled it and I've lived it and I refuse to let it make me a bitter person, for any reason. I remember and respect my friends, I'm sorry you never knew them.

Like I said earlier, thanks for your enlightening comment/personal perception of U.S. history. Hey though, good to see that you help people! Classy! Maybe you could help some little kids go to school...but be careful, the government may try to have you killed if they find out what you're doing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I don't "hate us". I DO hate the right-wing, the neo-cons and their agenda, though. Maybe if some of you "poor college students" and some of the general populace DID question those who make foreign policy, a lot of kids and older folks wouldn't be wasted in quicksand wars. Maybe we (as a country)'d have some more money, as well. Oh well--another generation of names on a wall--just lovely!! There's always hope, though, that someday we'll learn.

Tue Apr 29, 12:38:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Newman said...


My name is Anthony Newman, and I work on the website MesotheliomaHelp.Net The reason I have contacted you is because I have found your military blog and wanted to ask you if you would be interested in helping me spread the word about Mesothelioma by placing a link to my site on yours. Mesothelioma, a form of cancer, is a terrible, incurable disease that occurs from exposure to asbestos. The reason military members in particular are at risk are because of asbestos's cheap cost and ability to shield both heat and fire, it was a very sought after building material by the military and was used for insulation in both military buildings and ships. Many members of the military may have been exposed to asbestos in military buildings, including mess halls and barracks. Those who traveled and fought abroad may have been exposed on naval vessels, an area of the military that saw a high demand for asbestos use. Although the military discontinued use of asbestos in new construction in 1970, there may be several veterans out there who were exposed and may not even know it. With your help, we can spread the information so that anyone who has served our country can find the help that they need if they think they may be suffering from Mesothelioma.

In closing, I want to assure you personally that I am a real person, and not some automated program. Us folks who work for MesotheliomaHelp.Net are all dedicated to helping folks with Mesothelioma find the medical, professional, and legal help that they may require. If you are interested in providing us with a link on your site, please reply at your convenience to anthony(at)mesotheliomahelp(dot)net
and I will forward you our link specifics. We would also be happy to link back to your site. In any event, I thank you for your service to our great country.

Anthony Newman

Mon May 04, 08:04:00 AM CDT  

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